Buy a Brick, Build a Home
June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018
Fort Wayne’s Christian radio station, WBCL, broadcasts the love and hope of Jesus
Christ to thousands of listeners each day.
Forgotten Children Worldwide safeguards orphans and vulnerable children from
poverty, abandonment, and the evils of human trafficking, while introducing them to their
Heavenly Father.
Together, WBCL and Forgotten Children Worldwide are partnering to build a home for
orphaned and vulnerable children in Mutoko, Zimbabwe. This orphan home will house
up to 10 children and a married couple as caregivers. Living in a home like this, with a
smaller group of children and the caregivers, allows the children to grow up in a family
atmosphere. It gives them a more normal upbringing than living in a traditional
orphanage with many children housed together.
To buy your brick and support this project, click this link.
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website designed & developed by studio humankind | Photography by forgotten children worldwide