The 30-day Challenge
April 15, 2019
April 15, 2019
If you know me, you know that I value truth. I have been referred to as forthright. A bottom-line sort of guy. Justice is my passion. Maybe you can relate.
Many of us were raised to treasure truth, to place a high value on truth-telling; some of us were discipled to think this way. I discipled others to think this way.
God values truth. I value truth…and always will. I think I placed a high value on truth but was sometimes miserly on the other side of the equation – love.
I regret that.
I wish I had throttled back more. I wish I had listened more, spoken less. I still treasure truth; however, I think love trumps truth. Before you hit send on that email you are formulating in your head, consider this:
Jesus said they will know we are His followers… by our truth-telling? By our debating? Nope. They will know we are His followers by our LOVE. (John 13:35). Check it out yourself.
The New Testament reminds us that mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13b). Hmmmmm. Is it possible that we sometimes are masking judgment and personal opinion under the guise of “truth-telling”?
Would you consider doing something? What if, for 30 days, you placed genuine love and acceptance and laser-focused listening over brashly saying what you think?
Consider it a temporary moratorium on the “need” to express yourself.
Examples, you ask? In your social media posts, throttle back on harsh criticism. Season your family conversations with acceptance. Let your work associates experience a different you—a softer you.
Ready, set….let the suspension of raw, hurtful truth-telling for one month begin…now.
I predict a happier you – and your circle of influence will increase.
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