Volunteer Spotlight – Tonya Smith
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
Everyone volunteers for a different reason. Some people want to improve the world; some people choose to make a difference after retirement; some people just love to serve. For Tonya Smith, it’s all about family—and volunteering at FCW is something she can do with her kids.
“A big thing for me is raising my kids to help others,” says Tonya, who volunteers with her oldest two children on a regular basis. “I want them to know that their actions have consequences, whether good or bad, and they can make a difference in this world.”
It can be intimidating to walk into a new place and start serving, but Tonya entered FCW three years ago because she knew she wanted to set the example for her children—and as it turned out, it wasn’t even hard to get started. Now it’s something fun they do together. “FCW is a great organization with kind people,” Tonya says. “There are instructions easily available, and you can always ask someone for help if you’re not sure what to do.”
Tonya is empowering her kids to serve other children all over the world, while also teaching them the important lesson that their blessings should be shared with others who have less. She and her kids often sort and pack clothes together. Changing the world—one box at a time—is a family affair. We love to have people come to us with their kids because we know how important it is to pass on generosity and selflessness as a family tradition. If you and your family want to get involved in FCW, contact us to find out how you can serve.
Looking for ways to get involved?
If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach to make a Kingdom impact, consider applying for one of our volunteer positions.
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