When the Waves Call – A Lesson on Fear
August 31, 2018
August 31, 2018
– By Kimberly Morrison
The same fear also kept him from enjoying going to the pool, lake, or ocean. However, it seemed something about the water was always calling to him. After a few years passed, whenever we were at the pool or beach, we began to notice him starting to go deeper and deeper in the water on his own. He would get knocked down or inhale water, but something about the deep end of the pool or the ocean beyond the break of the waves kept drawing him in and he was determined to find out what it was.
Very quietly he would observe how others swam and try to copy their techniques. He was still afraid, but he was doing it! If Jared or I tried to coach him or give him instruction on how to swim, he would immediately shut down and revert back to being completely afraid. He knew that he alone needed to stare down that fear and ultimately conquer it.
He still gets a little anxious and asks a ton of questions to help ease his mind about the body of water he’s about to jump into, but any anxiety he has instantly vanishes as soon as he sees the pool, lake, or ocean. In that moment he turns into this giddy, confident, smack-talking, and extroverted kid that we hardly ever get to see.
Fear has tried to come in with its lies to steal, paralyze, and poison the vision Father God is etching in our hearts, but we’ve already put our toes in the water. We aren’t promised that we’ll never be afraid. We’re promised a Comforter to help us to “do it afraid” and ultimately conquer the fear. We’ve come face to face with the deep satisfaction that only comes from laying our worries aside and pursuing the adventure set before us.
To learn more about the Morrison family and their upcoming work in Uganda, and to find out how you can support them, click here.
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