A Day in the Life
April 24, 2019
April 24, 2019
By Jared & Kimberly Morrison – Missionaries to Uganda
This might come as a surprise to some of our supporters, but we’re not saving the world over here. (Gasp!)
We hope most of you don’t envision us rescuing starving babies, caring for dozens of orphans in our home, or leading thousands to Christ on a daily basis.
As amazing as that sounds and as much as we’d wish it to happen, that’s not even close to what we do every day. As a matter of fact, half of my (Jared’s) week usually looks like the picture to the left. And Kimberly can usually be found at the homeschool table, the laundry line or in the garden. Some days I spend over half of my work day sitting in traffic… to go 30 miles roundtrip!
As amazing as that sounds and as much as we’d wish it to happen, that’s not even close to what we do every day. As a matter of fact, half of my (Jared’s) week usually looks like the picture to the left. And Kimberly can usually be found at the homeschool table, the laundry line or in the garden. Some days I spend over half of my work day sitting in traffic… to go 30 miles roundtrip!
The truth is, what we do on a day-to-day basis isn’t that sexy. (Gasp again!) God has given us a passion for the children of Uganda. He has gifted Jared with leadership, administration and communication skills and Kimberly with the gifts of support, discernment and mentoring. That’s why we’re here.
We may not have the exciting jobs that you typically think about when you think of missionaries, but our gifts are needed and extremely useful in discipling and raising up the next generation of Godly Ugandan leaders.
We’ve gotten more done for the Kingdom, our staff and the families we serve in the 6 months we’ve been here than has ever been done before. We’re not saying that to brag, but to show how God, the ultimate Logistics Manager, puts the right people in the right places at the right time. And 270 students, their families, our FCW staff and our personal staff at home are being impacted and discipled so they can do the same after we’re long gone.
We read a blog recently that talks more in-depth about the need for different people and skill sets on the mission field. It really helped us understand and appreciate our role here better. We hope you will take a few extra minutes to read it…
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