Find Your Voice
July 5, 2017
July 5, 2017
Do you yell a lot? Or do you find it nearly impossible to raise your voice past a moderate decibel level– even when you are alone? Each of us speaks differently. Every voice is intricately unique. That’s why it is so important, when looking at the topic of advocacy, to understand that we will all have our own distinctive way of advocating for others.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I yelled. Like, really yelled. I just find it very unnatural to raise my voice past a certain volume. But get me started talking about a topic I am passionate for and the words may not be loud but they’ll be plentiful. In contrast, my brother is a man of few words, but he can say so much with the few words he chooses to say. His wit has our family dying of laughter on many occasions.
If you will recall from our last post, the word “advocate” has to do with calling out on someone else’s behalf.
The danger is, if we believe that we have to sound a certain way or have a certain vocabulary in order to be an advocate we may never open our mouths at all. Click To TweetHere’s some practical ideas for how you can be an advocate for others no matter what your communication style. Find the description that fits you best and then raise your voice!
I am passionate, loud, commanding, and bold. I’m not afraid of conflict. – Speak out when you see someone being mistreated. Come to the aid of people who are being bullied or abused. Be a defender.
I am gentle, soft-spoken, affirming and peace-loving. I love building relationships. – Speak out when you see someone who is discouraged. Come alongside them and build them up. Be an encourager.
I am practical, quiet, inquisitive and skilled. I am a really good resource person. – Speak out when you see someone who needs practical advice. Help them learn new skills. Be an instructor.
I am fun-loving, charismatic, easy-going and kind. I live for socialization. – Speak out when you see someone who needs to be known. Pull them out of the shadows. Be a promoter.
Here at FCW there are multiple ways you can be an advocate for children all over the world:
Defenders, speak out against child trafficking. Tell people how they can join the cause by donating to our Forgotten Fund which helps young girls stay out of this dangerous cycle of abuse as well as assisting other children with their practical and spiritual needs. Follow this link to donate now!
Encouragers, consider sponsoring a child. You get to send them personal correspondence and your financial support helps them to reach their full potential. For more information, follow this link.
Instructors, think about adopting one of our many projects. Whether it be training for house parents, self-sustainability projects or building development we have a variety of ventures that just might pique your interest. Follow this link.
Promoters, fundraise for us! Start your own campaign and go crazy with your vast system of contacts/networks. We make it easy by providing your very own fundraising guide. Get started by following this link.
Looking for ways to get involved?
If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach to make a Kingdom impact, consider applying for one of our volunteer positions.
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