Preventing Trafficking Together
January 30, 2019
January 30, 2019
When you think of the greatest threat to kids in today’s society, what comes to mind? The drug trade? Underage drinking? Domestic violence? While it’s true that all these things put children in danger, few if none of them pose as severe a threat as human trafficking. This exploitative industry is becoming the largest and most profitable illegal activity in the world.
Ideally, the best time to combat trafficking is before it happens. Only 1% of trafficked children are rescued, so prevention is our first priority. We work to get vulnerable children off the streets and into homes where they are protected. From here, our self-sustainability programs and our child sponsorship programs continue to prevent trafficking.
The trauma children experience when they are sexually exploited and enslaved can affect them even after rescue, which is why holistic care is so important to us at FCW. We work to fully restore them by providing a refuge where they can be loved, rehabilitated, and reformed.
We want to see a world with no human trafficking—and we know you do, too. That’s why your partnership with Forgotten Children Worldwide can help us continue these anti-trafficking initiatives. When you invest in these programs, you’re actively providing children with the opportunities they deserve.
Looking for ways to get involved?
If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach to make a Kingdom impact, consider applying for one of our volunteer positions.
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