Renovate Counseling Partners with FCW
July 9, 2019
July 9, 2019
I recently had the opportunity to interview Lane Sander, Director of Renovate Counseling Services in Bluffton, IN. Renovate has partnered with Forgotten Children Worldwide and I was curious to hear why they chose to take this crucial step toward protecting and empowering vulnerable children. Lane generously shared his heart…read below.
“In college, I realized that I had a heart for hurting people, which resulted in my call to ministry as a pastor. It wasn’t until I was in full-time pastoral ministry, that I began to realize my calling as a counselor. Now, several years later, I have the opportunity to experience the best of both of those worlds as a pastor and a licensed mental health counselor.
I heard about FCW shortly after moving to Bluffton in the summer of 2013, and had an opportunity the following year to help pack clothes on a Saturday and hear more about their story and vision. Once I had that experience, I was hooked!
FCW shares the same values and beliefs about human worth and dignity that we do at Renovate Counseling, so it was a natural fit to partner with them in their mission to serve and reach individuals on the other side of the world.
Because of the many challenges that children in today’s world deal with, it is beneficial in a variety of ways for children to have a safe place to process, connect, and make sense of what they are experiencing and going through.
At the core are questions related to feeling loved, having value, and finding purpose. Family dysfunction, abuse/neglect, trauma, behavioral concerns, and technology are some of the critical issues that children in the states are dealing with, and many of those are present in children overseas as well.
Physical safety, food, and shelter are a crucial first step, but the relational piece that comes through counseling/discipleship focused on a student’s spiritual/mental/emotional health is vital to long term success and moving beyond the horrors of one’s past experiences.”
When asked if he could share any message of hope with the orphans of Africa and Asia, Lane responded:
“That Jesus loves them, that they have value, that their lives have meaning, and that God has a purpose for them.”
We couldn’t say it better. Thanks to Lane and Renovate Counseling Services, the children under our care are being drawn closer to Jesus and are being supported both physically and emotionally. If you would like to join us and help protect orphans, click here!
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