Volunteer Spotlight – Julie Heindel
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
When Julie Heindel felt God calling her heart toward helping children overseas, she knew she wanted to join a mission that truly invested in kids’ lives to make a lasting difference. Her passion for volunteering goes beyond just meeting immediate needs—which is why she got involved at FCW.
By serving with Forgotten Children, Julie knows she’s impacting generations of families, not just the kids who receive sponsorships. “I love that FCW helps children with basic needs—but they also help students through their education and into college or trade school,” says Julie. “Most kids leave the program and can support themselves and their families.”
Since 2007, Julie has devoted her time at Forgotten Children to the sponsorship program. She communicates with global partners when new sponsors join FCW’s ministry, ensuring the entire process runs smoothly.
FCW’s long-term impact on children and their families is why Julie has served with the ministry for nearly 14 years. She sees firsthand the difference that sponsors are making by providing kids throughout the world with clothing, food, schooling, and—of course—a path to self-sustainability.
Julie knows that her work at Forgotten Children is one small component of a global effort to change the future. “I love using my talents to help those who are less fortunate than I am,” she says.
Whether it’s sponsoring a child or serving on the sponsorship team to facilitate communication, your impact on FCW will change lives for generations to come. We’d love to have you on board—click here to learn more about volunteering.
Looking for ways to get involved?
If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach to make a Kingdom impact, consider applying for one of our volunteer positions.
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