Volunteer Spotlight – Tom Sprunger
August 6, 2019
August 6, 2019
In the Bible, Jesus tells His disciples that the greatest commandment is to love God and love others—and Tom Sprunger is taking that command seriously. For just over a year and a half, he’s been bringing his joyful spirit and good-natured attitude to the packing room at Forgotten Children.
“Before I started at FCW, I felt compelled to do more to serve other people,” says Tom. “Volunteering is a privilege given to us by God so that we can further His Kingdom.”
When Tom volunteers at FCW, he oversees packing groups and coordinators, maintains the packing room, and leads groups that come in to pack clothes. He loves getting to work closely with other volunteers and empower them to serve God through FCW. “I love it when I lead a packing group and can sense that the people volunteering are excited about what they’re doing,” he says.
Every contribution to the Kingdom matters, and no one knows this more than Tom. Packing clothes might not seem like a revolutionary effort, but it’s critically important to ensuring that FCW can continue providing resources to overseas partners. “Packing clothes is an amazing, tangible way to serve those in need,” says Tom. “The clothes won’t reach the children unless someone sorts and packs them, so it’s an important job!”
In his commitment to serving other people, Tom isn’t just serving FCW’s overseas partners. He is also serving his fellow volunteers by inspiring packing coordinators and leading packing teams—reminding them that no matter what they do, their work has eternal ramifications.
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