The Feeling Gap
February 17, 2018
February 17, 2018
As followers of Christ, we’re called to love the ones the world has forgotten. We do this in a variety of ways: service trips, sponsorship, donations—the list goes on. Even so, there’s often a sense of heartache that comes with the realization that you’ll never know the exact impact of your investment.
When you have a passion for out-of-country causes, your heart bleeds for those who live in forgotten, desolate places. Supporting those places is important, but you still might experience the pain of the Feeling Gap. You want to be on the front lines, helping in any way you can. When you’re so far away from where true restoration is taking place, you might feel less excited about giving.
It’s easy to believe the lie that tells you your money, time, and resources are useless because you can’t see the difference you’re making. If you’re in the middle of the Feeling Gap, we want you to know it’s normal—but you don’t have to believe the lie.
We know your hearts are as passionate as ours are about empowering the ones the world has forgotten, so we want to keep you connected to the difference you’re making. Throughout our ministry, we keep our supporters informed using emails, pictures, and videos that depict firsthand accounts of the people we serve. Part of reaching the forgotten is making them visible—and we strive to do just that.
If you’re stuck in the Feeling Gap, don’t let yourself get lost there. Just reach out to us and you can learn more about how we keep you up-to-date on everything your donations support. You’re crucial to our story, and we want you to see the results of your investment.
Looking for ways to get involved?
If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach to make a Kingdom impact, consider applying for one of our volunteer positions.
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website designed & developed by studio humankind | Photography by forgotten children worldwide